
My Story

Paolo Tiberi

Born in Rome, Paolo Tiberi has dedicated his life to exploring the subject of the self, human nature and the unlimited potential of human beings.

Coming from a family line of mediums, Paolo began his spiritual and self-development journey from the age of 13 and, in his adulthood, became a certified kinesiology practitioner, crystal therapist, aromatherapist, chromo therapist, auric & pranotherapist, and Reiki Usui Master. He branched out to study the mind and body in more detail and become a Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, hypnotherapist, and timeline therapist. To better integrate and understand the soul-body-mind paradigm, Paolo also delved into quantum physics, neurology, cell biology, chemistry, physiology, psychology and other related sciences, which led him to put more pieces of the puzzle together.

In his quest for knowledge and understanding, he also travelled throughout Europe, Africa, Asia, India, North and South America, encountering some of the best thinkers, teachers, and masters in the areas of spiritual education, human behavior, and self-mastery.

Having encountered many spiritual disciplines, esoterical paths and lineages such as the Christian, Essene, Egyptian, Sufi, Hindu Advaita Vedanta, Tibetan Buddhism (Dzogchen), and Shamanic traditions,  Paolo endevoured to unfiy science and spirituality, a quest he continues to follow to this day.

His passion to share his unique ideas with a wider audience moved him towards public speaking. At 17, he began transmitting the knowledge and personal experience of self-discovery, awareness, and life strategies he acquired to people of all backgrounds and ages worldwide.

He was invited to speak in several television shows in Italy and had his own program in a regional television channel in Rome prior to moving to Australia. In Australia, he was invited by Salvation Army Employment Plus to inspire and motvate their members, and was also invited to have his own segment on Radio Italia, an Italian radio station broadcasting to 250,000 people worldwide.

Paolo continues to run seminars, day events and conduct private sessions  covering topics discussed in his book, ‘The Science of Consciousness’. He endeavours to integrate science, medicine, and western and eastern philosophies, bringing mind, body, and soul together. His unique communication allows for quicker and higher retention while keeping audiences engaged and involved.

Paolo’s messages and events are non-dogmatic and non-religious. Instead, they offer the opportunity to expand within our own paradigm of understanding and knowledge.

The Science of Consciousness e-book can be download for free on this page of the website


Modern Mysticism

Past Lives - NDE

Esoteric Knowledge

Plant Medicine

Quantum Physics



Alternative Medicine



Spirit World

Meet Paolo's Support

Growing up in Melbourne, Australia, Abby Tiberi, experienced a few dramatic life events, which
prompted her to venture into a quest of self-discovery. Her thirst for knowledge led her to travel to
North America to study in the Ancient School of Wisdom. Following a third eye activation,
Abby was then able to interact with the spirit world and other light beings, which reinforced her desire to learn and discover more about the unknown. Since studying many different philosophies and
alternative healing modalities, she became more actively involved in assisting her husband
in book editing and facilitating events on a larger scale.

Events Facilitated & Global Impact

1 Day Events
1 +
One on One Sessions
1 +
People Inpacted by the Books and other Material
1 +


“I am no novice in participating in workshops. Over the years I have done many courses on self-empowering, business networking, spiritual principals. All valuable in their own way, but none so powerful as this workshop. Paolo’s workshop is the glue that brings it all together. It’s thought-provoking, challenging, and exciting. It has given me the tools to make the changes in my life that I have only dreamed about.

As soon as I recognized the potent power of my thoughts and their relationship with my perceived outside world, the synchronicities, miracles started happening! Literally within the first few hours of the workshop (Friday), I received a text from someone that offered me an opportunity that I have been dreaming about for the past two years. When I eventually spoke with them, they commented on how I kept popping up in their mind, and how they just couldn’t wait till Monday to contact me. That was only the beginning. As the weekend and my week unfolded more life-changing miraculous events began to present themselves, each in perfect synchronicity, and in the most unexpected ways.

Set yourself free, live your life to your fullest potential. I have! You won’t believe it until you experience it for yourself, it’s pure magic! Thank you, Paolo, for being so dedicated to your life’s journey, sharing your knowledge and giving us the tools to change our world. You are a blessing to anyone who has the desire to make a difference.“
G. Mammone
Unplugging From the Matrix Event
“Like C.S. Lewis’ famous children story, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, I feel like I have opened up a doorway into a reality that I had no idea existed. My level of consciousness has been challenged, and the most satisfying outcome for me personally is an understanding of self and the sense of centeredness I now feel.

Paolo’s commitment to the message and the amount of energy and attention he displays in delivering it is phenomenal. I was touched by his generosity of spirit and his devotion to ensuring that everyone in the room got the maximum benefit.

I have left secure in the knowledge that I am the author of my personal biography, I have arranged every word, every comma, full stop and question mark in a way that perfectly serves me and I know that the pages to follow will be filled with events no longer confined to my dreams.“
E. Schulz
Unplugging From the Matrix Event
“Dear Paolo, I would like to thank you from my heart and soul for allowing me the opportunity of acquiring your given knowledge. And for your beautiful company including the extra time that I was blessed to have with you.

You truly are a gorgeous soul.

It was when I left Jamieson (Victoria, Australia) and was driving down the golden road with emerald trees along the side, some of which having ruby leaves, and hills of smoky quartz with birds sparkling like diamonds in the sapphire sky, that it all really hit me with an overwhelming feeling of love and joy to be alive. I was then aware of my manifestations that started to happen instantly. I am so happy to be living and now knowing that everything is possible, I don’t know what to manifest first. My body is tingling with inner power. Blessings.“
J. Sharman
Unplugging From the Matrix Event
“Hi Paolo, l would like to thank you for a wonderful weekend l have had a huge shift in energy since the weekend l can allready see the difference and have been spending the majority of my time meditating and manifesting, l have a number of awesome new manifestions that l am about to receive and is very exciting to see how quickly they will be delivered.

l would love to come to the one day workshop to absorb more knowledge and have a number of people that would like to participate in future workshops. Its amazing how much l have allready starting using the insight that you shared in my days so far it was just the boost l needed before l head of for a vision quest in three weeks time…

Thanks again for your enthusiasm and energy and l look forward to the next inspiring encounter…”
Garth Stone
Unplugging From the Matrix Event
“Dear Paolo,. Firstly we would like to acknowledge directly to you our appreciation for the extensive work you have put into the seminar. You are doing an awesome job!!!!

Our conscious minds could not escape the good ‘butt kicking’ it got while being re-modelled. This did however leave us feeling exhausted….nothing a little sleep can’t fix! (WOW what amazing dreams I’ve had since, would like to share a couple with you later)

Our awareness has been heightened beyond expectation.

Thanks to you Paolo for an amazing weekend.. Warm regards“
Cath & Dave Stone
Unplugging From the Matrix Event
“Healing from emotional trauma is messy. It’s alienation, it’s detachment, it’s raw, it’s the mother of all aches, and it undoubtedly changes you as a person (spiritually, mentally and emotionally). Paolo’s book has been inspirational in terms of my spiritual healing and growth. Through reading his book, I was able to grasp a deeper understanding of the concepts of life, and how I can integrate and resonate it in my own life on a much more profound level.

I suffered with depression for a great many years. It’s only been as recent as last year that I began to have a little understanding of my depression, how much it affected my lifestyle and choices, and how it contributed greatly towards my emotional imbalance and mental anguish. For a long time, I have been layered over with countless concepts and beliefs about what it is to be a human being and what the real reasons for living are, that it was easy to lose sight of the reality of what life was all about for me. Paolo’s book has helped me put my life into perspective, by understanding the dynamics of what life is and how it works. His book has prompted me to ask questions about myself, who and what I am, what is this entity that I call ‘me’. The knowledge provided in his book is empowering, informative (factual), powerful and enlightening. It leaves no room for hope, confusion and uncertainty.

Paolo’s book has encompassed the whole spectrum of life, and he has proven through his research without a doubt how science validates spirituality. He spoke of the great secrets about life, hidden truths about ourselves as ‘light beings’. The book has expanded my awareness about who and what I am, and how my system works in delivering and dictating the events and circumstances in my life. When I look at the entirety of my life experience, the whole picture, the whole truth, my life is starting to make sense, I am awakening from my slumber.

We are more than just our bodies. Our mental, emotional and physical energies are inextricably linked. This book is great in that it sheds ‘light’on what this connection is about. It talks about the essence of life, working with your energy and bringing more awareness to your own process. For ultimately, energy processes are what we are. We are beings of light energy. Thank you Paolo for sharing your wisdom, inspiration, time and love.”
Carmen Daniel
The Science of Consciousness
“Years back I was browsing LinkedIn when I came across a post that made me laugh. It was a picture of a guy standing in front of a bunch of rockets at a museum in the USA. The quote he had added to the photo stated. “Your future is what you choose”.

What a fool I thought! Either way, as the years go by I sit down to write a few thoughts about Paolo’s Awakening series, my mind instantly transports itself right back to that moment in time!

I am excited for anyone who embarks on reading Paolo’s Awakening series – Like life, it will be a journey but as you take each step you realise that the journey is part of the fun.

There will be many different types of readers. One thing I do advise if you’re thinking its not for you, that’s cool just at least finish the first book! However please don’t force it on yourself!

For others it will be something that you digest then put away for a while and come back to, almost like a manual for life. I advise people not to force change just go with the ebbs and flows. If you get into this you’ll realise that life also has its ebbs and flows – they’ve always been there except now you are able to notice them.

For me the most important concept is that we are in control of our lives – most of us bash our heads against the wall until we learn a lesson. For most people that walk on this planet, it could be said that life happens to them.

After reading Paolo’s books and upon self reflection I’m not a believer in this now.

I now believe life is a series of lessons where you are guided by synchronicities and the subtle taps on the shoulders; As soon as you start paying attention to even the most subtle of things, remove the doubt in your mind and trust your inner being you start to slowly regain control of your life. Control is not the aim as such and maybe isn’t the right word to describe what I’m trying to convey here. We are guided by an inner compass which is subtle at first and as soon as we start paying attention to it the signal becomes stronger; then your life will become easier, more joyful and fulfilling.

Go easy on yourself and learn from the things that get your attention or make you feel uncomfortable – start observing your life. You’ll have times when you’re on point and times when you might not be living what is true to you. The most important thing is to never ever give up!

So was the man in the linked in post right? Or was he wrong? Was he both? The answer to that question is in the eye of the observer.”
Mitch Gordon
The Science of Consciousness
“I have the honor of introducing to you Paolo Tiberi, who, outside of his paid working career, is an author and motivational speaker. He has supported and educated me to think and consider alternative views regarding the human journey of life. This adventure came about through the tragic and sudden death of my son, Joshua, who suicided after the unexpected death of his partner of 8 years in 2018.

The first book in the Awakening series: “The Science of Consciousness” is an introductory taste of alternative thinking which will open your mind and heart and make you question so many long-held religious beliefs and cultural myths of what it is to be a human being. It also elucidates how our many journeys from the beginning of life to the end of life and onwards, have influenced our current reality. In sharing this knowledge, Paolo introduces the reader to a new path and world full of “love and light”.

On this journey of self-discovery, your thinking will broaden, it may be challenging of your upbringing and belief systems and it will make you question your past, present, and future – a fantastic educational, transitional journey awaits!

I congratulate and thank Paolo for providing me and others with this well-researched information, historical education that promise to challenge those individuals who are ready to dare to question the meaning of life."
Susan Crook
The Science of Consciousness
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